Monday Dec 09, 2024
Episode 376: Complaining is a Choice
Complaining feels easy, doesn’t it? But what if I told you it’s a choice—and not a great one at that? Inspired by The Traveler’s Gift by Andy Andrews, today’s lesson dives deep into how small decisions, like choosing not to complain, can create big shifts in both your mindset and career.
Why Complaining is a Trap
Let’s start with this gem from Anne Frank (yes, the real Anne Frank, featured as a character in The Traveler’s Gift):
"Complaining is an activity, just like jumping rope or listening to the radio. You can choose to complain—or choose not to."
Think about that. Complaining is an active choice, not an automatic response. When you complain, you’re essentially spending time and energy on something unproductive. Now imagine redirecting that energy into something that adds value—like building your real estate empire.
The Real Estate Angle: Your Choices, Your Business
In real estate, every day is a flurry of decisions. Do you follow up with your leads today or let them sit in your CRM? Do you spend time nurturing relationships with your sphere of influence, or do you let that call wait for “tomorrow”?
Success doesn’t happen by accident. It’s the result of consistent, intentional choices. Here’s a breakdown of how to make better choices in your real estate career:
- Choose Action Over Excuses
- When your database feels overwhelming, don’t complain about how unorganized it is—fix it! Dedicate an hour each day to update profiles, connect your CRM to a home search, and track engagement.
- Shift Your Focus
- If a deal falls through, resist the urge to vent. Instead, ask, “What can I learn from this?” Was it a lack of communication? Poor timing? Identifying the lesson helps you grow.
- Adopt a "Reverse Mindset"
- Start your day by focusing on your most recent logins—clients actively searching are the hottest leads. Work backwards, prioritizing engagement, and you’ll be surprised how quickly your pipeline fills up.
A Lesson From Anne Frank
In The Traveler’s Gift, the main character, David, questions Anne Frank’s ability to stay optimistic in her dire circumstances. Her response is profound:
"Our very lives are fashioned by choice, Mr. Ponder. First, we make choices, then our choices make us."
How true is that in life and business? Every time you choose action over inaction, positivity over complaining, or persistence over giving up, you’re shaping the life you want to live.
Take This Into Your Day
Here’s your challenge:
- Identify one thing you’ve been complaining about lately.
- Ask yourself: What choice can I make to turn this around?
- Take one small step today toward a solution.
If this resonated with you, take a moment to listen to the full podcast episode. It’s packed with actionable insights to help you transform your mindset and your real estate game.
Subscribe and share this with someone who needs a little motivational boost today!